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Individual Dishes
for Companies and Weakly Meals
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Lemon Dill Salmon - 28 oz container


Tasty and healthy, this dish is that special combination with crispy and tender salmon filet, combined with green beans and white rice.

This dish is compounded by 6 oz Lemon dill Salmon, 4 oz green beans, and  6 oz white rice.

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Carne de Panela – Beef On Pot. – 28 oz container (min. 3 meals)


With a meat that melts in the mouth accompanied by potato, carrot and a special seasoning, this is a classic dish on the Brazilian table

This dish is compounded by 12 oz Beef on Pot, and 6 oz white rice.

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Frango Mineiro – Stew Chicken with Okra – 28 oz container (min. 3 meals)

A classic and traditional recipe from southeastern Brazil is "Minas Gerais." This is a kind of dish that back memories from grandma's house visits. The juicy chicken stews in a rich combination of spices and okra and has a mouthwatering taste.

The dish will come with 12 oz of chicken with okra stew and 6 oz of white rice.


Feijoada – 28 0z container


A hearty black bean and mixed meat stew are considered to be the national dish of Brazil. This is best enjoyed with rice and our sautéed collard greens (couve). Enjoy!!!

This dish is compounded by 10 oz Feijoada, 4 oz sautéed collard green, and 6 oz white rice.


Moqueca Baiana – Stew Fish – 28 oz container (min. 5 meals)

If you’re a fan of Brazilian cuisine, you will love Moqueca (pronounced mo-keh-kah). Bold, flavorful, and exotic, this fish and shrimp stew is one of Brazil’s most famous dishes and is always a hit!

This dish is compounded by 6 oz Stew Cod Fish with sauce, 6 oz Fish Porridge (Pirao de Peixe), and 6 oz white rice.

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Camarão ao Alho -  Garlic Shrimp – 28 oz container

This juice and crispy Shrimp, prepared with garlic and lime, and cooked in butter, result in this delicious dish, combined with green beans and Rice.

This dish is compounded by 6 oz garlic shrimp, 4 oz green beans, and 6 oz Chinese quinoa.

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Frango a Parmegiana – Chicken Parmegiana – 28 oz container

Crispy, tender chicken breast coated in seasoned breadcrumbs and topped with cheese and Pomodoro sauce. Add a side of white rice with Commodore sauce to make it a meal!

This dish is compounded by 12 oz chicken parmesan and sauce, 6 oz white rice. 


Lasanha a Bolonhesa – Bolognesa Lasagna – 24 oz container (min. 2 meals)

This Classic Italian dish, it's an excellent choice for any table around the world. The pasta lasagna filled with creamy, an amazing Bolognese sauce with ham, covered with melted mozzarella cheese and parmesan cheese is just delicious!!!

The dish is served with a 16 oz lasagna piece.


Lasanha 4 Queijos – 4 Cheeses Lasagna – 24 oz container (min. 2 meals)

Lasagna pasta layered and smothered in Béchamel sauce and filled with mozzarella, Parmesan, Blue Cheese, and Requeijao (Brazilian cream cheese).

This dish is served with a delicious creamy 16 oz piece.

Weekly Food Options (Minimo de 10 Refeicoes)


Nos da quitutes brasil elaboramos um menu exclusivo para você que não tem tempo de cozinhar e precisa da praticidade de adquirir refeições semanais, porem você não quer aquela comida industrializada. Venha conhecer nossa comidinha caseira!

As marmitas são entregue refrigeradas  todas quintas-feiras , podendo ser mantida no refrigerador por ate 3 dias ou freezer por 3 meses.

At quitutes brasil we have prepared an exclusive menu for you who don't have time to cook and need the convenience of purchasing weekly meals, but you don't want that industrialized food. Come to meet our homemade food!

The lunchboxes are delivered chilled every Thursday, and can be kept in the fridge for up to 3 days or in the freezer for 3 months.


Empresas e Organizacoes / Companies and Organizations


Atendemos empresas com entrega de refeições diárias com condições especiais. Preencha o formulário e entraremos em contato prontamente.

We serve companies with daily meal delivery with special conditions. Fill out the form and we will contact you promptly.


Clique abaixo e preencha o formulário que entraremos em contato o mais breve possível

Click below and fill out the form and we will contact you ASAP.

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